Over $123,000 donated to SWP ‘stimulus’ appeal

By Emma Johnson
June 29, 2020

This week six new contributors added $7,400 to the appeal, which has been ongoing since the government announced it would distribute $1,200 “stimulus” checks. The Socialist Workers Party has received a total of $123,400 so far from 111 contributors!

The spirit of contributors, from the beginning, has been: “It’s on the way, whenever the government stimulus comes” to “Here it is, happy to contribute.”

“I’m glad to be able to make this contribution with opportunities growing to join with others in struggle and build the party,” writes Jacob Perasso, from Albany, New York, who works on the railroad.

Sara Gates and Bob Bruneau in Seattle sent the following note with their check: “It is our pleasure to contribute the enclosed toward a new social order based on human solidarity. What a thrill to see the working class awakening.”

The contributions have qualitatively augmented the party’s long-term capital, dedicated to building a proletarian party now and in the future. A party that will organize workers in their millions to end capitalist exploitation and rule, and join hands with toilers worldwide to build a new social order.

The appeal is in the long-standing tradition of the workers’ movement, building its resources on political support.

If you’d like to donate from your government payout, send a check to the Socialist Workers Party at 306 W. 37th Street, 13th Floor, New York, NY 10018, marked “Special Fund.”