Over $134,000 donated to SWP ‘stimulus’ appeal

By Emma Johnson
July 20, 2020

The enthusiastic response over the last nearly four months to the Socialist Workers Party special “stimulus” appeal has greatly augmented the resources of the party. The total now stands at $134,700, from 122 contributors!

As payouts continue to be sent out from Washington, contributions continue to come to the party.

The funds are dedicated to building a financial stake for the SWP — earmarked toward the long-term historic work of building a proletarian party as the crisis of capitalism and the class struggle unfold. A party that will organize workers and their allies in their tens of millions to end capitalist exploitation and rule, and its brutal consequences, and join hands with toilers worldwide to build a new social order based on human solidarity.

If you’d like to donate from your government payout, send a check to the Socialist Workers Party at 306 W. 37th Street, 13th Floor, New York, NY 10018, earmarked “Special Fund.”