Members of the Socialist Workers Party and the Communist Leagues in Australia, Canada and the U.K. are launching an eight-week campaign — Sept. 17 through Nov. 15 — to sell 1,350 Militant subscriptions and 1,350 books by SWP leaders and others offering a revolutionary road forward for working people. The SWP has also launched a fund in the U.S. to raise $140,000 to finance the work of the party.
Along with SWP and CL election campaigns, this effort will champion and build support for strikes and other struggles of working people and our unions, help expand the reach of the Militant and serve as the voice of class-conscious workers, the oppressed and exploited.
And we’re asking Militant readers to help!
There is a growing appreciation for the Militant, a paper published in the interests of working people, as it proudly says on its masthead. Articles are written by union members involved in contract fights and in solidarity with other battles for higher wages and other steps to allay the scourge of soaring prices, against debilitating speedup and life-draining schedules.

“We’re not going to give in to Warrior Met,” striking United Mine Workers of America member Greg Pilkerton told the Militant Aug. 17. He’s one of hundreds of UMWA members who have been waging a hard-fought strike against Warrior Met Coal in Alabama for the last 17 months. In Sturtevant, Wisconsin, Gavin Decheck, a United Auto Workers member on strike against Case New Holland, spoke to Militant worker-correspondents. “We are fighting for a wage increase to keep up with inflation,” and for the “end to excessive overtime,” he said.
On picket lines and rallies by rail workers, bakery workers, nurses and others the Militant is appreciated for the factual coverage of these fights and its efforts to expand support.
The fall campaign features a 20% discount on all books published by Pathfinder, which offers hundreds of titles by leaders of the Socialist Workers Party and other working-class fighters like Fidel Castro, Malcolm X, V.I. Lenin, and Thomas Sankara. There is no better way to prepare for today’s class-struggle battles than to learn from earlier experiences and how revolutionaries were able to chart a road forward.
A key part of the campaign is the SWP’s Party-Building Fund drive. The party’s members are unionists in the thick of today’s battles, and the party is entirely financed by working people. At workers’ doorsteps, on union picket lines, activities to win support for Cuba’s socialist revolution and other social struggles, we will meet workers who want to learn more about the party and will kick in to help assure it has the funds needed to carry out its work.
“These interconnected fall campaigns will help get out the truth about workers’ struggles today, strengthen the labor movement and strengthen the Socialist Workers Party,” said Militant editor John Studer. “We want to increase the number of workers, farmers and young people who see the Militant as their paper, and the SWP as their party.”
Join in! Contact the party or Communist League branch nearest you.