On the Picket Line

UAW members strike Dometic plant in Pennsylvania

By Osborne Hart
October 9, 2023

ROYERSFORD, Pa. — Over 100 union members and supporters joined a solidarity rally Sept. 22 to back United Auto Workers Local 644, on strike against the Dometic Group plant here.

Members of the Teamsters, Carpenters, Electrical Workers and other UAW Region 9 locals joined the action.

The 100 members of Local 644 — assemblers, mechanics and others who make steering, shift and throttle systems for recreational vehicles and trucks — walked off the job Sept. 11.

On the picket line, Jason Piechota told the Militant, “It was easy to go on strike when you make less than workers” in the area. Workers rejected the company’s first offer 78-1.

The union is demanding an end to divisive two-tier wages, a cost-of-living clause to offset inflation, and to maintain a no-mandatory-overtime policy.

Dometic — which had record sales in 2022 — made an initial three-year offer of a 10.1% wage increase and a health care plan with costs that go up 5% over the life of the contract.