We ask readers of the Militant to endorse the campaign of Rachele Fruit, the Socialist Workers Party candidate for president! Join efforts to win others to do so.
Joseph Biden and Donald Trump garner support among their class, the capitalist ruling families and their upper-middle-class backers. Working people need to break with the bosses’ parties, to take a stand for the interests of our class, the vast majority. In 2024 that means backing the Socialist Workers Party!
Rachele Fruit and Margaret Trowe, the SWP candidate for vice president, along with SWP candidates all across the country offer a program to meet the crisis we face caused by for-profit capitalist rule. Tens of millions of workers are disgusted with the conditions they face and increasingly recognize the ones responsible are the bosses and their parties.
Fruit speaks for the interests of workers on strike for wages and conditions that make family life possible. For fighters determined to resist growing assaults on Jews. For opponents of Moscow’s war to conquer Ukraine. For workers angered at the rulers’ disregard for our lives, starkly illustrated by the deaths and unfolding social disaster resulting from the collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge at the Port of Baltimore.
The capitalist rulers rely on making workers think they are incapable of uniting and taking control of society. Fruit and other SWP candidates get a hearing when they explain workers have the capacities to take our future into our own hands, to act on our common class interests. And when they propose a course forward to overcome the divisions the bosses promote among us to weaken our struggles.
The SWP campaign explains workers need to build our own party, a labor party based on the unions, that brings working people together to fight for the things our class needs. Endorsing Rachele Fruit for president expands the reach of the working-class alternative to Biden, Trump and all other lesser-evil capitalist candidates like Robert Kennedy.
The rule of the capitalist class and their dog-eat-dog system is the root cause of the insecurity, hardship and wars workers face today. The SWP offers a road to lead tens of millions to fight to replace capitalist rule with workers power. And, as the example of Cuba’s socialist revolution shows, to transform ourselves as we fight together. The SWP offers workers the opportunity to campaign for what you’re for, not for who you’re against.
Join us in using the SWP campaign to deepen this discussion with your co-workers, fellow unionists, friends and others. It is a tribune speaking for all those exploited and oppressed by capital. And a voice for solidarity with working-class battles worldwide.
Fill out the endorser card below. Send it to the Militant, and consider sending a picture and a short statement about why you think others should do so that we can use.
You can make a difference!