25, 50, and 75 Years Ago

April 22, 2024

April 26, 1999

The big-business media and U.S. officials would have us believe that workers and farmers in the Balkans have been reduced to weeping Albanian refugees from Kosova, “uncivilized” Serbs seeking “ethnic cleansing,” and corpses. Even to those repelled by the brutality that U.S., British and German warplanes are unleashing on the people of Yugoslavia, the message is: these are helpless victims who can only be saved by the “civilized” military forces of NATO led by Washington.

This is false. These war images reflect the contempt the ruling rich have for working people everywhere, especially for those who fight for their rights.

Our fellow toilers in the Balkans earned the undying hatred of the imperialist ruling families by carrying out social revolutions in Yugoslavia and Albania in the 1940s that threw the landlords and capitalists out of power.

April 26, 1974

While refusing to turn over evidence on many of their illegal attacks on the Socialist Workers Party, government defendants have made new admissions and released several new documents in their latest response to the socialists’ lawsuit.

The FBI previously claimed that it ceased all wiretapping of the SWP in 1963. However, when asked if there has been surveillance since then, the answer was: “… no plaintiffs have been the subject of direct surveillance.” However, “certain plaintiffs were incidentally overheard during surveillance of parties not involved in the present litigation.”

The FBI also conceded that it “has received information from sources outside of the Bureau concerning the activities of certain plaintiffs. As a matter of policy, however, the Bureau did not inquire as to the method by which such information was obtained.”

April 25, 1949


War, dictatorship and depression — the unholy trinity of capitalism — today confront American labor with its greatest challenge. The mighty American working class, mobilized in unions 16-million strong, holds in its hands the hope of peace, democracy and plenty for America and the world.

Labor’s full power must be mobilized by A CONGRESS OF LABOR, with representation of the rank and file from all unions. This would spearhead the offensive for labor’s immediate demands and become the spring-board for a new forward leap toward AN INDEPENDENT LABOR PARTY, BASED ON THE UNIONS, OPPOSED TO ALL CAPITALIST PARTIES AND CANDIDATES!

To all who want a world without fear, poverty, exploitation and war, we appeal: JOIN THE SOCIALIST WORKERS PARTY!