New video of Hamas abuse of women hostages shows Jew-hatred, brutality

By Seth Galinsky
June 10, 2024

Hamas claims charges that it massacred civilians and raped and mutilated women in its anti-Jewish pogrom in Israel Oct. 7 and continues to mistreat those it took hostage are lies. There’s just one problem with that claim — the facts, including videos that Hamas operatives themselves filmed and posted online that day.

The latest to come to light is a Hamas video of five young woman soldiers dressed in pajamas soon after their capture Oct. 7. Four of the women have bloodied faces. It includes footage of their hands being tied behind their backs and then being loaded onto vehicles and taken to Gaza. The video, obtained by the Israel Defense Forces, was released May 22 by their families for the world to see.

The five women — Liri Albag, Karina Ariev, Agam Berger, Daniella Gilboa an Naama Levy — were unarmed spotters for the Israeli army at the Nahal Oz base near the Gaza border. All five — alive or dead — are still being held in Gaza.

One of the armed thugs yells at the women in Arabic, “You dogs — we will step on you.” Another refers to them as “sabaya,” which can mean “female captives” or “sex slaves.” Right after that he adds in English, “You are so beautiful.”

When Levy tells their armed captives in English, “I have friends in Palestine,” the captors yell at her to be quiet. She was active in groups that brought together Jews and Arabs and fought for Palestinian rights. But that makes no difference to Hamas, whose goal is the destruction of Israel and the death or expulsion of all Jews there.

Hamas issued a statement claiming that the video had been “edited and manipulated.” But family members replied the only editing done was to remove even more horrific shots of the Hamas assault.

Another Hamas video, which is still posted on its internet sites, shows Levy a little while later, being roughly pulled out of the cargo space of a jeep in Gaza and violently shoved into the back seat as other thugs pile on top of her.

“The female soldiers were treated according to the ethical standards of our Resistance,” Hamas claimed, “And there was no proven mistreatment.”

But other statements by Hamas and its apologists get at the heart of Hamas’ so-called ethical standards. They say all Jews in Israel, from infants to the elderly, are “settlers” who have no right to be there and that anything done to them is “justified.” This includes the nearly half of Israel’s Jews who trace their roots to Arab countries.

Watch the video and judge for yourself.