‘Amnesty for immigrants in the US, unify working class’

Dennis Richter, center, Socialist Workers Party candidate for vice president, campaigns in New York among delivery workers, many from West African countries, May 24. He said workers in the U.S. and Africa have common interests in the fight against capitalist rule.

NEW YORK — During a visit here May 24, Dennis Richter, Socialist Workers Party candidate for U.S. vice president, spoke with a dozen or more app-based bicycle food delivery workers — many from West African countries — about conditions faced…

‘Militant’ files appeal on ban in Florida prison

On May 23 David Goldstein, the Militant’s attorney and member of the prominent civil liberties law firm Rabinowitz, Boudin, Standard, Krinsky and Lieberman, filed an appeal with the Florida Department of Corrections challenging a ban on issue no. 17 by…


Socialist Workers Party leadership sets course ahead

Adopts course to build union solidarity • defend constitutional freedoms • fight for wages, hours, job conditions that prevent families in working class from being torn apart • defend Cuba’s socialist revolution and its example in the U.S. and world over
International Educational Conference in Oberlin, Ohio, June 8-10, brought together over 330 people for reports, discussion on communist program, continuity and activities. Right, SWP literature table during conference.
OBERLIN, Ohio — “The sweeping indictment of Donald Trump under the Espionage Act by President Joseph…

Cuba and Chernobyl

This Cuban documentary produced in 2006 tells the story of the Chernobyl nuclear catastrophe in Ukraine and Cuba’s exemplary internationalist medical program that treated more than 25,000 victims.