On the Picket Line

Michigan aerospace workers strike over pensions, wages

By Lisa Rottach
October 21, 2024

JACKSON, Mich. — “17 Days of Solidarity” read the handwritten sign at the United Auto Workers Local 475 strike tent where workers are picketing 24/7. Treat-filled tables and honks of encouragement showed the support some 525 strikers against Eaton Aerospace have been getting since they went out Sept. 16. The company manufactures hydraulic equipment for civil, commercial and military aircraft. Jackson, a city of 30,000, is located 75 miles west of Detroit.

The central strike demand is to keep in place workers’ defined benefit pension plan. The company wants to “modernize” retirement by freezing the current pension plan and replacing it with a 401(k) for all new hires, a two-tier take-away workers reject. They are also fighting to maintain their health care coverage and for higher wages.

Workers on the picket line told the Militant the wage increase offered by the company is offset by higher health care costs. In 2023 Eaton’s net income was $3.2 billion, after raking in $2.5 billion the previous year.

“Eaton’s managers said they thought that we wouldn’t last the week. They didn’t understand the solidarity workers have with each other,” Donnie Huffman, president of UAW Local 475 told the media.

Bring your solidarity! Visit the picket line at 300 S. East Ave. in Jackson.