On the Picket Line

Monogram UAW workers hang tough in California strike

By Bernie Senter
October 21, 2024

COMMERCE, Calif. — With over two months on strike against the bosses at Monogram Aerospace Fasteners here, United Auto Workers Local 509 members are determined to come out on top. “The one exciting thing that’s come out of this is now we understand what the union is and we won’t be pushed around anymore,” striker Robert Gomez told the Militant on the picket line Oct. 7. “We were weak before.”

The company, which manufactures parts used by Boeing and Airbus, refuses to offer more than a paltry 2% wage increase. The bosses are also seeking to jack up health care costs, which are already sky high, and to retain Article 21 from the current contract, which gives them the right to demote workers into lower-paid labor grades.

Over 200 workers on strike have received a steady stream of solidarity from other unions and workers stopping by the picket line and honking as they drive by.

Join in! Walk with them on their picket line outside the plant at 3423 S. Garfield Ave. To contribute to Local 509’s hardship fund, go to their Facebook page and click on photo of Monogram strikers.