8soldiers23_750In defense of the US working class

Susan Berman
le 1 juin 2018

Washington was shaken by spread of mass opposition to Vietnam War “not just among students and millions of workers but increasingly the ranks of the U.S. draftee army,” says Waters. Above, Fort Jackson Eight, GIs who fought effort to court martial them in 1969 for speaking out against the war. Right, Vietnamese liberation fighters, April 1975, celebrate atop captured U.S. tank after victory over decades-long U.S. imperialist intervention.

Washington was shaken by spread of mass opposition to Vietnam War “not just among students and millions of workers but increasingly the ranks of the U.S. draftee army,” says Waters. Above, Fort Jackson Eight, GIs who fought effort to court martial them in 1969 for speaking out against the war. Right, Vietnamese liberation fighters, April 1975, celebrate atop captured U.S. tank after victory over decades-long U.S. imperialist intervention.