
Bob Bruneau
le 28 janvier 2022

Left, picket line at Rich’s Jon Donaire Desserts bakery, Jan. 22, in Santa Fe Springs, California. The strike by 175 Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers Local 37 members, the majority women, began Nov. 3. Workers overwhelmingly rejected the company’s offer of 50-cents per hour raise and steep hike in health care coverage costs. Right, Joel Britton, right, Socialist Workers Party 2022 candidate for governor of California, speaks with striker Angelica Gutierrez as he brings solidarity to picket line. Four strikers and a strike supporter have renewed their Militant subscriptions.

Left, picket line at Rich’s Jon Donaire Desserts bakery, Jan. 22, in Santa Fe Springs, California. The strike by 175 Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers Local 37 members, the majority women, began Nov. 3. Workers overwhelmingly rejected the company’s offer of 50-cents per hour raise and steep hike in health care coverage costs.
Right, Joel Britton, right, Socialist Workers Party 2022 candidate for governor of California, speaks with striker Angelica Gutierrez as he brings solidarity to picket line. Four strikers and a strike supporter have renewed their Militant subscriptions.