Working people need our own party, a party of labor

By Betsey Stone
October 21, 2024
Dennis Richter, SWP candidate for vice president, right, joins in solidarity with Georgia Pacific strikers, members of ILWU Local 6, Oct. 7. From left: Raymond Domingue, Steve Moffett, Jimmie Arnold III and Jose Rivera. “We need our own party, a party of labor,” said Richter.
MilitantDennis Richter, SWP candidate for vice president, right, joins in solidarity with Georgia Pacific strikers, members of ILWU Local 6, Oct. 7. From left: Raymond Domingue, Steve Moffett, Jimmie Arnold III and Jose Rivera. “We need our own party, a party of labor,” said Richter.

ANTIOCH, Calif. — “I’ll be getting out the word about your fight,” Socialist Workers Party vice presidential candidate Dennis Richter told Sheetrock workers on strike against Georgia Pacific here when he joined their picket line Oct. 7. The workers, members of International Longshore and Warehouse Union Local 6 and International Association of Machinists Local 1584, were going into their fourth week on strike.

Jimmie Arnold III, 26, told Richter and campaign supporters accompanying him what they are fighting for is a wage increase, safe working conditions and livable schedules.

“While campaigning I’ve traveled, including to other countries, and I’ve seen workers fighting for these same things,” Richter said. “Workers fight for enough to live on and then rising prices take away what we’ve gained.”

“That’s what’s happening!” said Steve Moffett, an operator of stacking machinery who has worked at the plant for three years. “We need to put cost-of-living raises in every contract, for wages to go up every time the cost of living goes up,” Richter said.

“Georgia Pacific is owned by the Koch brothers, who take in around $125 billion a year,” Arnold said. “There are chemicals we have to deal with that are not safe. There is fiberglass in the air and all they give us is a regular mask. The company could pay for better ventilation equipment but they don’t want to spend the money.”

“All workers need proper equipment. It is all about what the union can fight for and win,” Richter said. “The bosses have signs everywhere in all the factories saying ‘safety first,’ but it doesn’t mean anything.

At commemoration marking one year since the Oct. 7 Hamas pogrom in Israel, Richter joined more than 100 people at Temple Sinai in Oakland. “The fight against Jew-hatred and defending Israel as a refuge for Jews are crucial questions for workers,” he told fellow participants.
Militant/Betsey StoneAt commemoration marking one year since the Oct. 7 Hamas pogrom in Israel, Richter joined more than 100 people at Temple Sinai in Oakland. “The fight against Jew-hatred and defending Israel as a refuge for Jews are crucial questions for workers,” he told fellow participants.

“Whether it’s the conservative Koch brothers or the liberal Warren Buffet, all of the billionaires exploit the workers. They attack our conditions to make more profits. We need to fight for workers control of conditions, training and safety on the job.

“Workers need to take political power away from the billionaires. That seems like a big task now, but through struggles the working class and our unions will grow stronger. A labor party, based on the unions, can attract working people of all kinds to fight to establish a qualitatively different kind of government.”

They also discussed the question of immigration and what it means for the working class, as well as other political questions — from the fight against Jew-hatred to defense of the Ukrainian people’s fight to defend their national sovereignty.

Richter said the SWP supports amnesty for immigrant workers in the U.S., and solidarity with those fighting for the right of Israel to exist, as well as with working people grappling with the disastrous effects of the recent hurricane in the Southeast.

Striker Steve Moffett told Richter about a recent victory when a group of strikers stationed their fishing boat at the Golden Gate Bridge with huge signs about the strike to get the attention of the pilot of a ship about to deliver a load of gypsum to the struck plant. The pilot turned the ship around. A great example of the power of solidarity!