Learned about SWP too late?
I’m writing to thank you for the subscription to your paper. I enjoy reading it and when I’m finished, I make it available to others. The articles in your paper make it clear that we need a major change in government.
The only way we will get that change is for the American people to wake up and start voting for politicians that have the people’s best interest in mind. The Republican and Democratic parties only have the interest of their rich capitalist political supporters, and the many special interest groups that currently run this country in mind.
I’m glad to know that there is a political party for the working people. Unfortunately, I didn’t know about you until I starting receiving your newspaper. Now that I’m in prison, I lost my voting rights and can no longer vote.
Thank you.
A prisoner
Editor’s note: Thanks for your letter, glad to know you like the Militant and help get it around to other workers behind bars. The Socialist Workers Party stands for the right to vote of prisoners and former prisoners like all the rest of us. You are entitled to get involved in politics, to follow what is happening in the class struggle and express your opinions no matter what side of the prison walls you happen to be on at the moment.