March 25 rally in Novotroitskoye in Ukraine’s Kherson region protests occupation by Moscow’s troops. Protests show resolve of Ukrainian toilers to defend their hard-won independence.

Working people in Ukraine resist invasion by Moscow

Join protests to defend Ukraine independence!

Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine has been stalled in a number of areas by fierce Ukrainian armed opposition, along with spirited protests in occupied cities. After raining destruction on civilian populations to try to hammer them into submission, Moscow is stepping…

Rifts at NATO gathering as rulers prepare for more wars

From left, U.S. President Joseph Biden, French President Emmanuel Macron and U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson at NATO war summit in Brussels, March 24. Behind smiles and handshakes, conflicting interests of all imperialist powers in NATO are sharpening.

Moscow’s deadly war against working people in Ukraine was the backdrop for a gathering of imperialist rulers in Brussels March 24. President Joseph Biden and government heads from Germany, Britain, France and 26 other capitalist countries announced decisions to boost…

Oil workers in the Bay Area fight over long hours, low pay

RICHMOND, Calif. — “Why are workers here angry? It’s the lack of respect, the arrogance of the company,” striker Frank Aguirre told this Militant worker-correspondent March 27 as I joined him picketing outside the Chevron oil refinery here. The workers…


Cuba and Chernobyl

This Cuban documentary produced in 2006 tells the story of the Chernobyl nuclear catastrophe in Ukraine and Cuba’s exemplary internationalist medical program that treated more than 25,000 victims.