Beverly Scott, left, met Joanne Kuniansky, Socialist Workers Party candidate for governor in New Jersey, Jan. 10. Looking over the Militant, she said, “That’s what I’m for — labor.”

Join Socialist Workers Party campaign!

“Workers are the only class capable of leading the fight to change the conditions we face and to confront the capitalist economic and social crisis,” Joanne Kuniansky told working people she met in Paterson, New Jersey, Jan. 10, her first…

Workers look for road to fight layoffs, boss attacks

Laid off Marriott Marquis hotel workers in New York protest in Times Square Dec. 23 over cut in severance pay and bosses refusal to commit to bring them back if hotel reopens.

Over 140,000 jobs were obliterated by the crisis of capitalism in December as workers face joblessness and boss attacks on wages and working conditions, exacerbated by growing infections of coronavirus. Bosses at the airlines, Constellium aluminum plant in Alabama, at…


Working people need to build our own party, a labor party

As the social, political and moral crisis of capitalism continues to unfold, workers need to organize together to fight for our own class interests against the bosses and their government. We can stand up to their assaults on our jobs,…

Protest in NY backs India farmers’ fight for their land

NEW YORK — “The Indian government is unjustly supporting the large corporations, which will eventually lead to the downfall of small farmers,” Kulwinder Kaoner Singh told this Militant reporter at a Jan. 9 protest. Over 120 people attended to support…


As Arab gov’ts recognize Israel, space opens for workers

Over the last six months the seven-decades-long boycott of the Jewish state of Israel initiated by Arab governments in the Middle East has begun to break apart. This is good for working people in Israel and the Palestinian territories, throughout…

Cuba and Chernobyl

This Cuban documentary produced in 2006 tells the story of the Chernobyl nuclear catastrophe in Ukraine and Cuba’s exemplary internationalist medical program that treated more than 25,000 victims.