Striking Warrior Met miners and supporters at Aug. 4 rally in Brookwood, Alabama. “Strike isn’t mostly about money,” miner told the Militant. It’s about time with our families and dignity.

Back labor battles by miners, oil workers!

Rally backs miners strike against Warrior Met Coal

BROOKWOOD, Ala. — Shouts of “No contract, no coal!” and “One day longer, one day stronger!” rang out from the Brookwood Ball Park Aug. 4 as striking miners and union supporters from surrounding states — more than 1,500 in all…

Texas refinery workers fight ExxonMobil bosses’ lockout

DALLAS — Some 650 oil workers, members of United Steelworkers Local 13-243, have been locked out of their jobs at the ExxonMobil Refinery and Lubricant Blending and Packaging plant in Beaumont, Texas, for over three months. They’ve maintained picket lines…

‘Workers need to build a party to lead fight for political power’

Dennis Richter, right, SWP candidate for governor of California, talks with high school student Marcus Connelly at L.A. Walmart Aug. 5. Connelly said U.S. government should have made sure everyone could get vaccinated and jabs were given “to poor countries around the world.”

Socialist Workers Party candidates and campaign supporters are taking the party’s working-class politics far and wide, exchanging views and experiences with working people on their doorsteps, at strike picket lines and social protests. Workers and farmers are seeking ways we…


The fight to end oppression of Indigenous peoples in Canada

March in Chemainus, British Columbia, Aug. 2 after discovery of unmarked graves of Indigenous children at former residential schools. Joining fight for liberation of Indigenous peoples is “part of working-class fight for power,” Communist League leader Stan Peters told July SWP international conference in Ohio.

SPRINGFIELD, Ohio — A series of classes were part of the Socialist Workers Party International Conference in Springfield, Ohio, July 22-24, most expanding on the central political reports at the gathering. (See article in the Aug. 16 Militant, available at…

Cuba and Chernobyl

This Cuban documentary produced in 2006 tells the story of the Chernobyl nuclear catastrophe in Ukraine and Cuba’s exemplary internationalist medical program that treated more than 25,000 victims.