Locked-out unionists from ExxonMobil refinery in Beaumont, Texas, picket in Houston Aug. 18, getting out facts on oil bosses’ demands for concessions that gut seniority, divide workers.

Back locked-out oil workers standing up to ExxonMobil

Bosses seek to bust union at Texas refinery

BEAUMONT, Texas — Over 650 oil workers, members of United Steelworkers Local 13-243, have been locked out at the ExxonMobil Refinery and Lubricant Blending and Packaging plant here since bosses marched them out of the facility four months ago. They…

‘No one had to die from the storm,’ SWP candidates say

Róger Calero, SWP candidate for New York mayor, discusses disaster for workers from tropical storm flooding with Luis Rosas, retired maintenance worker in Woodside, Queens, Sept. 12.

QUEENS, N.Y. — Socialist Workers Party candidates Róger Calero for mayor of New York City and Willie Cotton for public advocate, and campaign supporters on Sept. 12 extended solidarity to residents affected by destructive floods caused by heavy rain from…


Socialist Workers Party leadership sets course ahead

Adopts course to build union solidarity • defend constitutional freedoms • fight for wages, hours, job conditions that prevent families in working class from being torn apart • defend Cuba’s socialist revolution and its example in the U.S. and world over
International Educational Conference in Oberlin, Ohio, June 8-10, brought together over 330 people for reports, discussion on communist program, continuity and activities. Right, SWP literature table during conference.
OBERLIN, Ohio — “The sweeping indictment of Donald Trump under the Espionage Act by President Joseph…

Cuba and Chernobyl

This Cuban documentary produced in 2006 tells the story of the Chernobyl nuclear catastrophe in Ukraine and Cuba’s exemplary internationalist medical program that treated more than 25,000 victims.