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March 23, 2020

Solidarity led Cuba’s fight to defeat Ebola in Africa

NY meeting counters US rulers’ slanders
Inset, March 7 New York meeting, featuring book on Cuba’s role in fighting Ebola in West Africa. Above, from left, Martín Koppel and Mary-Alice Waters, co-editors of book, and Ana Silvia Rodríguez, Cuban ambassador.

…It won’t work any better for them this time. Yes, we face shortages of material goods, but there’s no shortage of human creativity. We make sure no one is left…

February 3, 2020


design leaflets, posters and banners for participants in those struggles. In the 1990s Marta would set up tables with party member Betsy McDonald on the University of Arizona campus and…

May 20, 2019

25, 50 and 75 Years Ago

…plates were furnished by the Carnegie Illinois Steel Corporation, that the ship design was faulty and the production methods questionable. Despite these revelations, the investigation was quietly dropped. Since then…

February 18, 2019

Working people respond with solidarity after Havana tornado

Cuban gov’t, mass organizations lead recovery work
Top, student volunteers join construction workers mixing cement Feb. 2, part of efforts to repair polyclinic damaged by tornado in Havana’s Diez de Octubre district. Below, string quartet plays in Diez de Octubre in Havana. It was one of many musical groups, artists, clowns and magicians who have performed in the storm-ravaged neighborhood in solidarity with working people there.

…Pathfinder Press. That book of paintings by Antonio Guerrero, one of the Cuban Five prisoners, had been the inspiration Kcho used to design his art installation. What came through in…