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September 26, 2022

Support builds for Case New Holland UAW strikers

BURLINGTON, Iowa — “We are not going anywhere!” United Auto Workers Local 807 strike captain Craig Bowen told the Militant at the picket line outside Case New Holland here on…

November 29, 2021

Alabama miners fight court injunction by Warrior Met

Strikers also face court attacks at Deere, Kellogg
Mineros de mina Warrior Met en Brookwood, Alabama, 15 de junio, mientras la policía trata de prevenir que los piquetes afecten producción. El 27 de oct. un juez prohibió líneas de piquetes.

…than five years. While continuing to picket, he is working as a contractor at the nearby UMWA-organized Shoal Creek Mine. “I hope we have a rally in Montgomery to support…