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June 11, 2018

In defense of the US working class

SWP leader at Havana event answers question: ‘Can working people in US make a socialist revolution?’
Striking teachers at West Virginia Capitol in Charleston, Feb. 26, 2018, as one of most significant labor battles in U.S. in decades exploded. Teachers and other school workers went on strike statewide, winning support from students, parents, churches and other unions. Strikes and protests spread to Oklahoma, Kentucky, Arizona, Colorado, and North Carolina. “What happened there is a living refutation of the portrait of working-class bigotry and ‘backwardness’ painted by middle class liberals and much of the radical left,” says Socialist Workers Party leader Mary-Alice Waters.

…— on the land and in jobs from coal mines, oil refineries and railroads, to garment shops, construction sites, slaughterhouses, auto assembly lines, warehouses, and retail giants like Walmart —…

September 30, 2019

Build solidarity with striking GM workers!

UAW strikers fight for jobs, end to divisive concessions
Autoworkers picket in Flint, Michigan, Sept. 16. Strike shut down 33 plants, 22 warehouses.

Nearly 50,000 members of the United Auto Workers walked off the job Sept. 16 in the union’s first nationwide strike against General Motors in 12 years. The strike is part…

September 30, 2019

Anti-union outfit targets UAW as auto workers strike

As nearly 50,000 United Auto Workers union members battle GM bosses, government raids and attacks in the big-business press, they are also being targeted by an anti-labor outfit that calls…

February 28, 2022

GM workers in Mexico vote for new independent union

Leaders of SINTTIA independent autoworkers union at GM plant in Guanajuato, Mexico, Feb. 3, after winning union election. At center is union Secretary General Maria Alejandra Morales.

Workers at the General Motors pickup-truck plant in Guanajuato, Mexico, voted overwhelmingly for a new independent union in early February, sending a message to the U.S. auto-giant bosses they will…