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November 2, 2023

¿Por qué existe Israel?

…que Hitler llegó al poder, las tropas de asalto nazis irrumpieron en reuniones sindicales, aplastaron al Partido Comunista y al Partido Socialdemócrata y lanzaron una creciente campaña de ataques contra…

October 7, 2019

Support GM strikers, Blackjewel coal miners!

‘No more tiers!’ is demand at the center of GM strike
Caravana de solidaridad de Louisville se une a huelguistas en planta de GM Corvette en Bowling Green, Kentucky, el 23 de septiembre. “Tenemos que defender a todos o no podemos defendernos a nosotros mismos”, dijo Renata McKenney, trabajadora jubilada de Ford.

ROANOKE, Ind. — “I’ve been a temporary worker for three and a half years with no end in sight,” United Auto Workers union member Raymond Walker told the Militant on…

September 2, 2019

Debts, bankruptcies are soaring for older workers

…or savings. Rising auto, student debts Also propelling bankruptcies for those over 65 are demands for payments for auto or student loans, including those co-signed with a child or grandchild….

May 4, 2020

Put workers back to work! Fight for jobs, no wage cuts!

Bosses seek to make workers pay for today’s capitalist crisis
Miami hotel, restaurant workers idled by government shutdown joined union car caravan April 19 to protest unemployment pay delays. “The system doesn’t work,” Ines Santiesteban said.

…27,000 people back to work in some of its largest aircraft factories in Washington state and elsewhere. Most auto plants in China are already up and running. In Europe, carmakers…