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May 17, 2021

High court hears challenge to California disclosure law

Socialist Workers campaign office in Hazleton, Pa., damaged by firebombing Sept. 11, 2004. Disclosure laws open workers, organizations to attacks by government, political opponents.

…organization that had certain views might be accused of being a white supremacist organization or racist or homophobic.” Campaign finance disclosure laws Liberal Justice Stephen Breyer, on the other hand,…

July 4, 2022

Taking the Socialist Workers Party’s program to the toilers

Conference discusses working-class response to capitalist crises, sets party convention
Socialist Workers Party National Secretary Jack Barnes addresses conference.

…the imperialist “world order” imposed by the victors of World War II. These conflicts, considerably aggravated by Moscow’s war against the people of Ukraine, have been building for years. Cutthroat…

September 23, 2019

Working-class party needs an international program

Workers fit cars at Packard plant in Detroit in 1920s. Trotsky says the expansion of U.S. imperialism transformed it “into the basic counterrevolutionary force of the modern epoch,” and “prepares the ground for a gigantic revolutionary explosion in this already dominant” power.

…Pathfinder Press. Reprinted by permission. BY LEON TROTSKY In our epoch, which is the epoch of imperialism, i.e., of world economy and world politics under the hegemony of finance capital,…