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March 2, 2020

‘Cuban Revolution taught us to go where we’re needed in the world’

Book on Cuba’s volunteer medical mission against Ebola in W. Africa launched at Havana International Book Fair
Feb. 10 book launch, from left, moderator Róger Calero, Pathfinder Press; Gerardo Hernández, vice rector, Higher Institute for International Relations; Enrique Ubieta, Red Zone author; Dr. Carlos Castro Baras, headed Cuban medical brigade in Guinea; Víctor Dreke, Cuba-Africa Friendship Committee president; Martín Koppel, Pathfinder Press.

…reporting, the book tells the story of the internationalist volunteers who helped fight the deadly 2014-15 Ebola outbreak in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone. It’s told largely through accounts by…

November 2, 2023

¿Por qué existe Israel?

que Hitler llegó al poder, las tropas de asalto nazis irrumpieron en reuniones sindicales, aplastaron al Partido Comunista y al Partido Socialdemócrata y lanzaron una creciente campaña de ataques contra…

January 27, 2020

‘Red Zone: Cuba and the Battle Against Ebola in West Africa’

New book is a ‘remarkable account of the solidarity and internationalism at the heart of the Cuban Revolution’
Cuban medical volunteers unload supplies on arrival in Freetown, Sierra Leone, Oct. 2014.

…Organization and the governments of three West African countries, Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Guinea, issued international calls for help in combating the largest epidemic on record of the deadly Ebola…

March 23, 2020

Solidarity led Cuba’s fight to defeat Ebola in Africa

NY meeting counters US rulers’ slanders
Inset, March 7 New York meeting, featuring book on Cuba’s role in fighting Ebola in West Africa. Above, from left, Martín Koppel and Mary-Alice Waters, co-editors of book, and Ana Silvia Rodríguez, Cuban ambassador.

…Ubieta led a Cuban reporting team to Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia in early 2015 during the Ebola epidemic there. Also speaking at the meeting of 100 were Ana Silvia…