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December 18, 2023

Support Israel’s fight to exist as a refuge for Jews

Fight against Jew-hatred!
Israeli troops in Gaza found huge stockpile of rockets, weapons, inset, near school and hospital Dec. 6. Hamas terror group deliberately hides and fires missiles into Israel from working-class areas. Their goal is to maximize civilian casualties among Palestinians from Israeli return fire in order to win international sympathy.

…falafel shop Goldie, one of many Jewish-owned restaurants targeted by the Hamas apologists. They chanted “Goldie, Goldie, you can’t hide, we charge you with genocide.” There is only one reason…

October 16, 2023

100,000 Quebec public workers fight gov’t attack

MONTREAL — Tens of thousands of public workers — 100,000 according to organizers — demonstrated in Montreal Sept. 23 to back up their demands and win support as negotiations with…

November 22, 2021

Solidarity with striking miners at Warrior Met!

Join fight against court ban on right to picket
Miners and supporters march in New York Nov. 4 to back seven-month strike at Warrior Met Coal in Brookwood, Alabama, protest court ban on all picketing within 300 yards of mines.

…Airlines at the Dallas-Fort Worth airport and shop steward for Transport Workers Union Local 513, got union time off from work to attend the rally. “I’ve been going to every…

May 20, 2019

Sankara’s revolutionary legacy discussed at New York forum

Example of 1983-87 Burkina Faso Revolution
Panel on revolutionary political legacy of Thomas Sankara at People’s Forum May 5 in New York. At podium, Manolo de los Santos, executive director of People’s Forum, welcomed everyone. From left, Arouna Saniwidi, leader of Burkinabe organization Le Balai Citoyen; Peter Thierjung, Socialist Workers Party; and Asha Samad-Matias, professor at City College of New York.

…to visit the book table. Nineteen books were sold including six Thomas Sankara Speaks and four other Pathfinder titles by Sankara. The program can be watched on YouTube at:….