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April 20, 2020

Join fights for jobs, higher wages, better conditions!

Today’s social crisis is product of capitalist rule
Perdue workers in Kathleen, Georgia, walked off job March 23 to protest job conditions, bosses scorn for them. “The line is too fast,” one worker said. “There’s chicken all over the floor.”

…Department reported that over 700,000 jobs were lost in March. Bosses and governments ordered restaurants, bars, retail outlets, auto plants, construction sites, state government social services, and so-called nonurgent health…

April 27, 2020

Organize to defend jobs, wages, working conditions

Bosses dump costs of ‘recovery’ on workers’ backs
Above, line to file for unemployment in Hialeah, Florida, April 7. Inset, rent protest in Los Angeles April 1.

…contract there. They claim this is needed to protect corporate profits as the business has lost almost half its orders because of the shutdown of the U.S. auto industry. U.S….

May 18, 2020

Demand jobs! Join workers fights over wages, conditions

Workers’ protests take on impact of capitalist crisis
Driver Jose Gonzalez addresses fellow independent truckers in Fontana, California, during protest against brokers driving down their wages and anti-worker government regulations.

…workers in their aviation division and furloughing thousands more. The Big Three auto companies — General Motors, Ford and Fiat Chrysler — say they will reopen production on May 18….