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June 1, 2020

Demand jobs! Back fights over wages, job conditions!

Support workers’ resistance against bosses, their gov’t
May 14 strike picket at Columbia Reach Pack fruit processing in Yakima, Washington. Workers at 6 plants are demanding 40-hour workweek, clean water, wage increase and job safety.

…bosses have refused further negotiations and are trying to keep the plant running using management. All these fights deserve active solidarity from working people. Bosses from the Big Three auto

June 15, 2020

Worldwide protests hit cop killing of George Floyd

Demand arrest, prosecution of all cops involved in killing
More than 60,000 people joined June 2 Houston action against Minneapolis cop killing of George Floyd. Protests draw broad participation, shining spotlight on racist cop violence.

Auto Workers, United Steelworkers, Service Employees International Union, International Longshore and Warehouse Union, AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka and many more. The National Farmers Union also denounced the killing. Sizeable actions…

June 15, 2020

Build powerful, disciplined working-class movement!

…can and must be built. Unions have spoken out against the cop killing of George Floyd — including the Amalgamated Transit Union, United Steelworkers, United Auto Workers, International Longshore and…

June 22, 2020

Frank Gorton built communist movement in Canada, UK, US

Frank Gorton, far right with bullhorn, was union spokesperson in 1969 demonstration for wage parity between skilled, unskilled workers at Raleigh bike factory in Nottingham, England.

…in Newark and Detroit, joining trade union fractions in auto, garment and meatpacking. He was a worker-correspondent for the Militant, covering working-class struggles wherever he lived. Frank and Toni moved…

July 13, 2020

25, 50 and 75 Years Ago

July 24, 1995 DECATUR, Illinois — Members of the United Auto Workers on strike against Caterpillar took advantage of the one-year anniversary of their walkout to show their determination to…