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August 10, 2020

Workers need our own party, a labor party!

SWP wins support in ballot fight across the country
Senate candidate Lea Sherman signs up Don Hill in Paterson, New Jersey, July 26, to put SWP presidential ticket on ballot. SWP turned first batch of signatures in to state officials next day.

…CHATTANOOGA, Tennessee — “The Democrats and Republicans, which are so much the same, have grown so dominant, so in control,” Jimmy Smartt, an auto technician here in eastern Chattanooga, told…

September 21, 2020

What is the political road forward for workers in 2020

…are without work and many major industries — from airlines to auto plants — are announcing layoffs. The 44-story, 478-room Hilton Times Square hotel announced it is permanently closing. CNBC…

September 28, 2020

Workers need a union in every workplace!

Jobs crisis is biggest threat facing working people today

…there will be any significant uptick in the capitalist economy soon. What is clear is that there is more trouble for working people on the horizon. Take subprime auto loans,…

October 5, 2020

For massive public works program to create jobs!

Today’s jobs crisis and the road forward for workers
School cafeteria workers in Pittsfield, Massachusetts, joined by teachers and local residents Sept. 22, demand school administration halt plans to lay off 50 of the 70 cafeteria workers.

…have run their operations on the same model as the auto, steel, and rail bosses, and on how the Walton family runs Walmart. Cut the workforce to the bone to…

November 2, 2020

Workers need our own party, a labor party!

Bosses drive to make workers pay for crisis of capitalism
UNITE HERE Local 5 and Hawaii Nurses and Healthcare Professionals workers at Kaiser Wailuku in Hawaii rally in mid-October, protest boss plans to close departments, cut workers.

…Shell, BP and Chevron oil companies; AT&T’s WarnerMedia; Walt Disney theme parks; and many more. Auto production has fallen 8.3% over the past two months. Rather than hiring more workers,…

November 16, 2020

25, 50 and 75 Years Ago

…resembles in some ways a miniature model of General Motors’ strategy against striking auto workers. The Northwest strike began July 8, four months ago. Company officials say flights are about…