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January 13, 2020

Celebrate 61 years of Cuban Revolution!

…Work and Solidarity With Cuba is an excellent opportunity to do both. You can get all the details from U.S. hands off Cuba! End Washington’s economic war against Cuba!…

November 25, 2019

Stakes in Gibsons’ fight against Oberlin College smear campaign

Gibson family members celebrate June court victory over Oberlin “racism” libel campaign.

…an Ohio law that limits punitive damage awards. Similar laws challenged in 13 other states in recent years have been declared unconstitutional. The CBS program can be viewed at:….

August 26, 2019

‘Militant’ reporters head to Puerto Rico

…Help fund this trip and make future ones possible. Contribute online at or send your check to the Militant, 306 W. 37th St, 13th Floor, New York, NY 10018….