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July 22, 2019

Join fight against prison censorship!

…by prison officials. Kansas censors have barred some 7,000 books and periodicals. Prison authorities from coast to coast keep looking for ways to shut down access to news, information and…

October 31, 2022

Iran protests keep growing as students, workers join

Workers at Haft Tappeh sugar cane mill meet Oct. 18 to demand higher wages, reinstatement of a dismissed union representative. The sugar cane workers union has also called for release of imprisoned union members and protesters.

news out to the world every day. Several dozen Iranians living in Kyiv protested outside the Iranian Embassy there Sept. 30, condemning both the crackdown in Iran and Tehran’s supplying…

May 31, 2021

Build solidarity with labor struggles!

…in the mines, mills, factories, transportation and retail industries all face bosses trying to boost their profits off our backs. Use the Militant to help get the word out about…