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June 15, 2020

Worldwide protests hit cop killing of George Floyd

Demand arrest, prosecution of all cops involved in killing
More than 60,000 people joined June 2 Houston action against Minneapolis cop killing of George Floyd. Protests draw broad participation, shining spotlight on racist cop violence.

…at the site where George Floyd was killed, which has turned into a growing memorial. Zena Jasper contributed to this article. ❖ BY JACQUIE HENDERSON LOUISVILLE, Ky. — Daily demonstrations…

July 27, 2020

Workers fight boss attacks on jobs, wages, conditions

Workers’ problem today is crisis of capitalism, not a virus
Tens of thousands protest July 11 in Tel Aviv, Israel, against government’s failure to deliver aid promised to workers classified as self-employed. Sign reads, “Out of touch! We’re fed up!”

…Apparel have recently died from coronavirus and over 300 working there have been infected. In a June 26 visit to this south L.A. site, inspectors cited “flagrant violations” of infection…