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June 4, 2018

Teachers’ protests point way forward for workers

‘We can change things,’ say N. Carolina teachers
20,000-strong protest May 16 in Raleigh, North Carolina, drew broad working-class solidarity.

…class sizes at North Carolina’s biggest-ever action by teachers. The protest was marked by determination, growing self-confidence and a good bit of humor, captured on the thousands of homemade signs….

April 23, 2018

Cop brutality is a blow to all workers!

…to intimidate and punish workers. The number of cops arrested and indicted for murder or manslaughter has risen a bit as protests have taken place in recent years. But Democratic…

May 21, 2018

Join teachers for May 16 protest in North Carolina!

Teachers, school workers build for Raleigh action
Teachers at April 26 news conference in Greensboro, North Carolina, announcing May 16 march and rally in Raleigh to demand better wages, work conditions and funds for schools.

…she said. “Then you see this movement rolling across the country and what it has achieved. Discussions are shifting a bit now to what is most important and what it…

March 5, 2018

Demand amnesty for immigrant workers!

Propertied rulers debate who to let in, keep out
Sept. 10 Omaha, Nebraska, protest. Socialist Workers Party says Amnesty for all immigrants!

…National Catholic Reporter Feb. 13. “I am a bit concerned that advocates have not kept talking about the need to bring everyone out of the shadows, not just the dreamers.”…

Demand amnesty for immigrant workers!

Propertied rulers debate who to let in, keep out
Sept. 10 Omaha, Nebraska, protest. Socialist Workers Party says Amnesty for all immigrants!

…National Catholic Reporter Feb. 13. “I am a bit concerned that advocates have not kept talking about the need to bring everyone out of the shadows, not just the dreamers.”…

March 9, 2020


…Militant. This doesn’t detract from the main points of the article, which I agree with, but it’s a bit sloppy on history and the Militant has a fine reputation for…