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May 15, 2023

Farmchella festival celebrates farmworkers in California

COACHELLA, Calif. — “We organized Farmchella to honor and celebrate hardworking farmworkers in Coachella Valley who are overlooked,” Flor Martinez Zaragoza told the Militant April 20. Martinez Zaragoza is the…

March 5, 2018

Liberals hail FBI witch hunt against Trump White House

…States” by interfering in politics here. The Feb. 16 indictments accuse the 13 Russians of participating in a so-called troll operation on the internet beginning in 2014, inventing U.S. identities,…

November 16, 2020


…boss surveillance as being in Yakima Valley. It was in Skagit Valley. The article also should have said that the Federal Election Commission refused to grant the SWP an exemption…

June 15, 2020

Yakima fruit packers fight for wages, hours, safety

…packing plant in the Yakima fruit growing region until the walkouts began a month ago. The farmworkers’ union, Familias Unidas por la Justicia, is working with the committees from each…

April 22, 2019

SWP moves out to expand political reach of the party

“For years I’ve hated how capitalism pits everyone against each other,” nurse Mickale Hensley, left, in her front yard, told SWP member Maggie Trowe in Williamstown, Kentucky, April 5.

REEDLEY, Calif. — Socialist Workers Party members and supporters from the Bay Area and Los Angeles spent two days in California’s agricultural heartland, the Central Valley, April 6-7. They knocked…