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February 10, 2020

Cuba’s socialist revolution, China and the world class struggle today

Cuban Revolution shows what’s possible when working people take power, transforming ourselves as we transform class relations of life and work
Above, mobilization in Havana’s Chinatown on the 11th anniversary of Chinese Revolution, October 1960, as Cuban toilers were expropriating domestic and imperialist capital. Inset, laundry worker, Havana, 1940s. “Absence of anti-Chinese discrimination today,” Mary-Alice Waters points out, is product of Cuba’s socialist revolution.

…the International Society for the Study of Chinese Overseas. The conference was held Nov. 8-11, 2019, at Jinan University (see news article in issue no. 47 in 2019). Waters is…

October 5, 2020

Workers and oppressed peoples worldwide unite!

V.I. Lenin, center, Bolshevik leader of Russian Revolution, addresses Second Congress of Communist International in St. Petersburg, 1920. First four Comintern congresses left a legacy of revolutionary working-class program and strategy still crucial for workers today.

…well as their weakness to a united world program and world cooperative action. The Communist Manifesto called for common efforts of the workers in all countries for the common goal…