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February 26, 2024

Blows to Hamas advance fight against Jew-hatred

Hamas built tunnels, command posts under hospitals, schools, mosques, homes to maximize civilian casualties. Left, diagram of tunnel underneath Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza City. Right, Palestinians leaving Rafah after Israel let them know plans for military offensive.

…to use Palestinian civilians as human shields. Hamas could immediately end the war in Gaza by releasing all the remaining hostages, evacuate all the tunnels and hand over the organizers…

March 4, 2024

Join the fight for workers power and socialism!

Flight attendants rally at Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport Feb. 13. SWP campaign explains how workers transform ourselves in the class struggle.

…second-class status, treating immigrants as pariahs and doing everything to destroy working-class solidarity. The rulers and their upper-middle-class hangers-on try to convince us capitalist social relations are part of human

March 4, 2024

Israeli gov’t gives Hamas an ultimatum: Free hostages!

Defend Israel as a refuge for Jews! Fight Jew-hatred!
Palestinians take flour from aid truck in Gaza City Feb. 19, a few days after Hamas cops shot and killed youth in Rafah when he took an aid package, sparking protests against thug group.

…structure in Gaza has opened more space for Palestinians to speak out — even if still modestly. They’re protesting against the reactionary group for using civilians as human shields by…