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March 19, 2018

Cuban Revolution involves all, with sight or not

Cinema clubs with audio descriptions expand access to culture for visually impaired

…the Sierra Maestra mountains during Cuba’s revolutionary struggle in 1958. It is one of 92 films featuring audio description that have been prepared so far by the Cuban Institute of…

January 1, 2018

Che: Fidel spoke for all of us

…the Sierra and Llano were able to hold opinions on tactics that were at times diametrically opposed, without having this lead to the abandoning of the insurrectional struggle. … In…

January 18, 2021

‘Resistance by Cuba is the participation of the entire people’

Interview with Gerardo Hernández, leader of Cuba’s Committees for the Defense of the Revolution
Committees for the Defense of the Revolution, together with other mass organizations, are organizing working people to increase food production through “From your neighborhood, plant your little plot” program. Third from right, Gerardo Hernández, CDR national coordinator.

…during the U.S. invasion. I always wanted to be like those who went to the Sierra Maestra to fight with Fidel. Like the people who attacked the Moncada Barracks. So…

February 8, 2021

California protesters: ‘Free Carlos Harris!’

Rally at City Hall in San Jose, California, demands freedom for Carlos Harris, framed up and jailed on murder charges.

…Aisha Hampton, and his mother, Rachel Hampton, are calling on California Gov. Gavin Newsom to pardon or exonerate Harris and release him from the Sierra Conservation Center state prison in…