Che: Fidel spoke for all of us

January 1, 2018

In Episodes of the Cuban Revolutionary War, 1956-58, Cuban revolutionary leader Ernesto Che Guevara describes the broad support in both wings of the July 26 Movement for Fidel Castro’s principled, revolutionary response to the Miami Pact. Copyright © 1996 by Pathfinder Press. Reprinted by permission.


It is important to point out that the fighters in both the Sierra and Llano were able to hold opinions on tactics that were at times diametrically opposed, without having this lead to the abandoning of the insurrectional struggle. … In the face of all pressures from outside our movement, and all attempts to divide or infiltrate it, we always presented a common front of struggle. Moreover, even those comrades who saw the Cuban revolution less clearly at the moment we are speaking of were wary of opportunists.

When Felipe Pazos, invoking the name of the July 26th Movement sought to appropriate for himself and for the most corrupt oligarchic interests of Cuba the positions offered by the Miami Pact, nominating himself for the position of provisional president, the entire Movement was solidly against this stand and supported the letter that Fidel Castro sent to the organizations involved in the struggle against Batista.