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May 4, 2020

Put workers back to work! Fight for jobs, no wage cuts!

Bosses seek to make workers pay for today’s capitalist crisis
Miami hotel, restaurant workers idled by government shutdown joined union car caravan April 19 to protest unemployment pay delays. “The system doesn’t work,” Ines Santiesteban said.

…27,000 people back to work in some of its largest aircraft factories in Washington state and elsewhere. Most auto plants in China are already up and running. In Europe, carmakers…

December 21, 2020

25, 50 and 75 Years Ago

…city government. December 22, 1945 General Motors has been howling “illegal” at the CIO auto workers’ picket lines. It began to call in the “law.” General Motors is paving the…

March 29, 2021

25, 50 and 75 Years Ago

…America. This is the longest strike against a major U.S. auto maker since a two-month strike against GM in 1970. Some 3,000 members of Local 696 of the United Auto

April 5, 2021

25, 50 and 75 Years Ago

auto workers can expect as they head into new rounds with the auto giants is what Local 696 members found: when you fight you get support. April 9, 1971 Civil…

November 15, 2021

Spread word, build support for Deere, Kellogg’s strikes!

Deere strikers vote down contract, fight continues

…offer. While a majority of United Auto Workers members at some plants voted in favor, at the two biggest plants significant majorities voted no — members of Local 838 in…