25, 50 and 75 Years Ago

July 16, 2018

July 12, 1993

The thousands of supporters of abortion rights now preparing for battle with Operation Rescue in Minnesota, Ohio, Florida, and other states are setting an example that should be emulated by working people everywhere.

Operation Rescue is targeting seven cities over the next several weeks in a campaign the antiabortion rightists call “Cities of Refuge.” Their goal is to shut down clinics that provide abortions.

Groups like Operation Rescue are not attacking abortion rights on their own. As the capitalist economic crisis worsens, the two political parties of big business have escalated their assault on a woman’s right to choose.

The battle over abortion rights will be decided in the streets and in front of the clinics themselves — by physically outmobilizing and defeating Operation Rescue. This is how abortion rights were won in the first place.

July 19, 1968

On July 30, Fred Halstead, Socialist Workers Party candidate for President, and Barry Sheppard, editor of the Militant, will leave New York for Japan. The purpose of the trip is to reach American GIs in Vietnam and at bases around the world with the antiwar program of the Socialist Workers presidential campaign.

Halstead has been invited to attend three antiwar conferences in Japan during the Hiroshima and Nagasaki memorial-day period.

On Aug. 14 Halstead and Sheppard will fly to Saigon. They will discuss their views on the war with GIs and let them know there is one presidential candidate who wants to bring them home immediately.

Halstead’s visit to Vietnam is part of his overall campaign to reach GIs with the socialist alternative to all capitalist politicians.

July 17, 1943

Since the 1942 elections, the workers of New York, New Jersey and Michigan have demonstrated in the most unambiguous manner that they want to launch an independent party of labor. The most recent example was provided at the Michigan CIO convention. The convention supported the building of an independent labor party, despite furious protests and attacks of the top CIO officials and the vitriolic hysteria of the Stalinists.

The labor bureaucrats know that the launching of an independent labor party would signalize a break between labor and Roosevelt. They know that the launching of an independent labor party would speed the fight to regain the independence of the labor movement, on the economic as well as the political field. These bureaucrats are clinging to [President] Roosevelt for dear life, as protection against their own rank and file.