
February 18, 2019

Donate with click of the mouse

Thank you for your article on the Militant  winter special appeal in the Feb. 11 issue. I appreciate your contrast of how the Militant, published in the interests of working people, is financed by its readers, with the New York Times, which is beholden to the capitalist rulers.

I’m glad that, with a few clicks of the mouse, I was able just now to donate $100 to the winter fund.

Ray Parsons
Delmar, New York

Please send me the newspaper!

I like your newspaper because it is an expression of the social class of working people and of the fight for the rights of inmates.

I have been reading the newspaper since a friend here received it and would loan it to me, but he was transferred. I would like to keep educating myself about what is happening with the social class and economy that we are living through. 

A prisoner