Help us go over the top in $115,000 Militant Fighting Fund

By Terry Evans
April 15, 2019

The Militant has set its annual Militant Fighting Fund at $115,000 to be raised by May 28. The fund is essential to meet the paper’s operating expenses; field reporting teams to cover developments in world politics; subsidize the price of introductory subscriptions to make it easier to win new readers; to offer free or reduced rate subscriptions to workers behind bars; and to maintain the paper’s website.

The editors of the major dailies are beholden to the capitalist rulers and fill their pages with “news” aimed at obscuring the source of the crisis workers and farmers face and to provide rationalizations for the rulers’ wars abroad, for which they are well paid by the bosses’ lucrative ad fees. In contrast, the Militant appeals for funds to the only reliable source possible — its working-class readership.

“We look forward to receiving contributions from those who have just started reading the paper, as well as from long-term readers. And we encourage you to kick in early to the fund drive, so we can start on a solid footing,” John Studer, the paper’s editor, said April 2.

You can contribute online at or mail checks made out to the Militant, to 306 West 37th Street, 13th floor, New York, NY 10018. Help get the fund off to a flying start!