May 1 actions demand driver’s licenses, amnesty for immigrants

By Lea Sherman
May 13, 2019
Marchers in Perth Amboy, New Jersey, chanted “Licenses yes, promises no” on May Day. Handmade signs were everywhere. For many it was their first time joining a protest action.
Militant/Seth GalinskyMarchers in Perth Amboy, New Jersey, chanted “Licenses yes, promises no” on May Day. Handmade signs were everywhere. For many it was their first time joining a protest action.

PERTH AMBOY, N.J. — More than 250 people from across the state — including construction, restaurant and factory workers and small-business people — marched here May 1 to demand driver’s licenses for undocumented immigrants. Sponsored by Cosecha, it was one of many May Day actions across the country.

U.S. capitalists use immigrant labor to lower all workers’ wages — using undocumented status to slash their pay and then going after all others — and boost profits. Fighting for amnesty is key to unify the labor movement.

“I decided I had to do something,” said one young worker, who didn’t want to give her name. It was her first protest ever. Drivers without licenses, face steep fines, jail and even deportation.

The demand for driver’s licenses for all was at the center of many of the actions nationwide. The Militant will have more coverage next week.