August 22, 1994
Responsibility for the cold-blooded murder of Dr. John Britton and James Barrett by a rightist thug in Pensacola, Florida, on July 29 rests squarely on the federal government. Defenders of abortion rights, as well as the entire labor movement, should demand the Clinton administration immediately send U.S. troops to physically defend the clinics — in Pensacola and elsewhere — and to protect a woman’s constitutional right to control her own body. Massive protests by working people and others to condemn the murders are crucial to pushing back this attack.
The capitalist rulers have been able to push back abortion rights in the United States. In most parts of the country it is harder today than five years ago to get a competent and safe abortion. But their success has been limited. And that’s where the ultraright comes in, pushing further.
August 22, 1969
The Stalinist bureaucrats in Moscow and their subservient yes-men in Prague have been waging a campaign against demonstrations that are expected to occur in Czechoslovakia on Aug. 21, first anniversary of the Soviet-led invasion.
Cause for their alarm is the still-widespread feeling that protests must continue in one form or another, despite increased repressive measures that have been directed against the masses. These measures have included press censorship, administrative re-shufflings, arrest and imprisonment, and the threat of even tighter crackdowns.
Thousands of “underground” circulars have been distributed urging protest activities. These leaflets have been flooding factories, offices and large housing projects. The working class has been the most powerful force in the country opposing the post-invasion policies imposed on Czechoslovakia.
August 19, 1944
DETROIT — Under the combined pressure of the international union officials, the government and General Motors corporation, a meeting of CIO United Automobile Workers Local 235 voted to terminate the second strike in recent weeks of 7,000 workers at the Chevrolet gear and axle plants here. But the issue is far from settled. A new walkout is likely in the event the “impartial umpire,” instructed by the War Labor Board to consider within five days the case of seven discharged union leaders, makes an unfavorable decision.
The militant action and solidarity of the gear and axle strikers has aroused union-wide repercussions and brought to the fore all the issues confronting UAW members everywhere. It has put a spotlight on the union-busting provocations of the corporations, the anti-labor role of the WLB and the treachery of UAW-CIO top leaders.