UK: ‘Solidarity with protests by working people in Iran!’

By Hugo Wils
February 24, 2020
UK: ‘Solidarity with protests by working people in Iran!’
Militant/Hugo Wils

MANCHESTER, England — “Three times in two years, Iranian workers and students have taken to the streets to protest the government’s military intervention abroad and its attacks on living standards,” Pete Clifford, with megaphone, told passersby as he and Hugo Wils campaigned here Feb. 1. Clifford is the Communist League candidate for Sharston ward and Wils for Baguley in the May 7 Manchester City Council elections. Clifford called for “solidarity with workers and students in Iran! U.K. and U.S. hands off Iran!”

“Many stopped by our table, most unaware of the depth of the recent unrest among working people that has spread across Iran,” he told the Militant. “They were interested in hearing about our campaign and what working people are doing in Iran.”

The CL candidates explain the regime in Iran today is a product of a counterrevolution carried out by the country’s capitalist rulers four decades ago to push back gains made by working people when they mobilized to overthrow the U.S.-backed shah during the 1979 Iranian Revolution.

CL candidates and campaign supporters sold eight copies of the Militant, five copies of the supplement “Revolution, Counterrevolution and War in Iran” by Socialist Workers Party leader Steve Clark and a copy of The Communist Manifesto.