Nine new contributors to this special appeal last week brought the total to $95,000, from 84 people and increasing!
Harvey McArthur, from the Chicago area, sent his check with a note: “Enclosed is a check from proceeds of the ‘stimulus’ payments. Very glad to be able to make this extra contribution to the work of party.” Pat Travis wrote from North Carolina to say the same, “Glad to contribute.”
The growing number of contributors, all in that same spirit, are making a qualitative reinforcement to the SWP’s long-term financial capital — toward being able to respond to an awakening working class in a period of worldwide capitalist decline and unfolding social and economic crisis.
Those resources mean an expanded ability to build a proletarian party now and in future working-class fights. A party that will organize workers in their millions to end capitalist exploitation and rule, and join hands with toilers worldwide to build a new social order based on solidarity.
The Militant will continue its weekly column on the fund.
If you’d like to join in donating your government payout, send a check to the Socialist Workers Party at 306 W. 37th Street, 13th Floor, New York, NY 10018, marked “Special Fund.”