‘You pick a fight with one of us, you pick a fight with all of us’

April 12, 2021
United Auto Workers Local 722 members from Hudson, Wisconsin, join locked-out Marathon refinery workers’ picket line March 28 in St. Paul Park, Minnesota. Steve Frisque, third from right, president of Local 722, sent solidarity message below.
Militant/Doug NelsonUnited Auto Workers Local 722 members from Hudson, Wisconsin, join locked-out Marathon refinery workers’ picket line March 28 in St. Paul Park, Minnesota. Steve Frisque, third from right, president of Local 722, sent solidarity message below.

UAW Local 722 fully supports our Union Brothers and Sisters from Teamsters Local 120 who are out on strike at the Marathon Refinery facility in Saint Paul Park, Minnesota. Once again, we are seeing a company sacrifice the health and safety of their workers and also the health and safety of families in the surrounding community for the sake of higher profit margins. …

In 2019 the UAW called a national strike against General Motors. Our local, UAW Local 722, is a small local of 115 people located in Hudson, Wis., and only a handful of our membership had ever been out on strike before. It was a scary time for many of our members. …

What got us through and what boosted our morale was the overwhelming support we received from our Union Brothers and Sisters from our neighboring labor unions. … Every day they showed up to walk the picket line with us. They brought gift cards for gas and groceries, they brought food and water, diapers for our members’ children. They had our back when we needed them and for that we will be forever grateful.

When people ask me why do you go over and spend your Saturday or Sunday afternoon walking the picket line of people you don’t know against a company that you don’t work for? My answer to them is simple. I do know them. They are my Union Brothers and Sisters. They had our backs when we needed them. We will have theirs whenever and wherever they need us. You pick a fight with one of us, YOU PICK A FIGHT WITH ALL OF US!

In Solidarity,