25, 50, and 75 years ago

November 14, 2022

November 17, 1997

Washington’s latest military threats against Iraq show the weakness of U.S. imperialism. In 1991 the U.S. rulers broke their teeth in Iraq. After organizing one of the most monstrous carnages in the history of modern warfare, they were unable to replace the regime in Baghdad with one completely subservient to Washington’s interests and get control over the oil wells of that country.

Ever since, the U.S. government has used its military and economic muscle to punish the Iraqi people. The embargo continues to deprive millions of food, potable water, medicines, seed and agricultural supplies.

Working people the world over should demand that the U.S.-engineered sanctions be lifted immediately, the “no-fly” zones imposed by Washington over large parts of Iraq be ended, and the U.S. and other “arms inspectors” get out of the country now.

November 17, 1972

Native Americans whose Trail of Broken Treaties Caravans converged on the capital Oct. 30 continued today to occupy the offices of the Bureau of Indian Affairs. Approximately 1,800 Native Americans have come to the seat of their government overseers to protest U.S. violation of 387 unequal treaties imposed on them.

The occupation was touched off by an unprovoked police attack on a group of Native Americans inside the BIA offices. The police were then driven off by Native Americans who had been negotiating with BIA officials.

Coming from reservations and urban slums across the country, the Native Americans demanded justice for the 800,000 Indians in the U.S., survivors of centuries of white oppression and genocide. “The governmental agencies are the prime offenders in the total neglect of Indian people,” they said.

November 17, 1947

During the second week of September the British Military Government ordered the dismantling of the Holmag plant in Kiel, Germany. When the workers learned of the decision, their factory committee decided unanimously to refuse to collaborate in any way with this demolition decree. All the workers immediately went out on strike. Foreign workers employed in the plant participated solidly in the strike.

The action of the Holmag workers is of historic importance. It constitutes the first public and organized demonstration by the working population against the savage plundering measures imposed on vanquished Germany by the Potsdam agreement.

For the first time since 1945 German workers’ organizations have called into question the “right” of the conquerors to dispose as they please of the lives and belongings of the vanquished people.