MIAMI BEACH, Fla. — The Holocaust Memorial here was the site of an Oct. 10 rally of some 3,000 in solidarity with the Jews of Israel after the Nazi-style pogrom three days earlier.
“We distributed flyers for the next Militant Labor Forum, ‘Defend Israel’s right to exist as a refuge for Jews!,’ as we talked with participants,” Rachele Fruit, Socialist Workers Party candidate for U.S. Senate, told the Militant. “I carried the sign in the picture shown on front page, and Laura Anderson, SWP candidate for U.S. Congress, carried another, saying, ‘No to Jew-hatred, never justified to murder civilians.’”

Fruit said she was both surprised and pleased that among those she met at the rally was a co-worker of hers, and fellow member of UNITE HERE Local 355, at a hotel in Miami. They’d met before but had never talked politics or gotten to know each other. “He’s a worker from Mexico who said he came to the rally to support the Jewish people,” Fruit said. He bought a copy of The Jewish Question written in 1942 by Belgian revolutionary Abram Leon.
SWP candidates and other party members and campaign supporters are taking this political perspective to working people in cities large and small and to rural areas. A working-class party has to be built that can lead a revolutionary fight for workers power, overthrow capitalist exploitation and oppression, and join in the world fight for socialism. That’s what the SWP is out to do.