Fight to win workers power and socialism to end Jew-hatred

October 23, 2023

At an Oct. 10 rally in Miami to stand in solidarity with the Jews of Israel after the Nazi-style pogrom carried out by Hamas and its allies, Rachele Fruit, the 2024 Socialist Workers Party candidate for U.S. Senate from Florida, presented the following statement to the press and other participants.

The Socialist Workers Party is part of the continuity in the fight against Jew-hatred that goes back to Lenin and the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia. Socialists should never support any crime against humanity in the name of revolution.

In 2010 Fidel Castro asked journalist Jeffrey Goldberg to interview him, so he could respond to Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who denied the Holocaust. Responding to a question from Goldberg, Fidel said he supported Israel’s right to exist “without a doubt.”

“I don’t think anyone has been more slandered than the Jews,” Fidel said.

Working people cannot rely on democratic imperialism to protect the Jews. Washington and London closed the door on Jewish immigration before, during and after the Second World War. That fact, and the betrayal of revolutionary opportunities by the Stalinists in Moscow and elsewhere, led to Hitler’s “Final Solution.”

That’s why Israel had to be and has to be a refuge for the Jews.

Those who call themselves “socialists,” and who champion Hamas and other terrorist proxies of Iran, will easily find themselves allied with future fascist forces.

Only the working classes of Israel, Palestine, Iran and the whole region can find a solution in their common interests. The same is true for workers in the United States.