Help make the SWP Party-Building Fund a success!

By Ilona Gersh
November 6, 2023

The Party-Building Fund, part of the campaign to reach out with the Militant and books by Socialist Workers Party leaders and other revolutionaries, runs for eight weeks, from Sept. 23 through Nov. 21. It is at the heart of covering the basic operating expenses of the SWP — from its national headquarters, to increased travel to work with party members and others to advance a revolutionary road forward, and to meet increased opportunities for international collaboration.

The SWP and its candidates explain that the central question is a class-against-class battle to advance the interests of working people against the capitalist rulers. The party seeks to build a Marxist leadership capable of organizing millions to break with the bosses’ Democratic and Republican parties and take political power, and use it to reach out to fellow toilers worldwide to build a socialist future.

Party members are unionists in the thick of today’s battles. We work to bring clarity to all the important issues facing workers today, from the central place of the fight to defend constitutional freedoms to the need to take on Jew-hatred and defend Israel’s right to exist as a refuge for Jews.

At workers’ doorsteps, on union picket lines, in activities to win support for Cuba’s socialist revolution and other social struggles, we meet workers who want to learn more about the SWP and will make a generous contribution to ensure the party has the funds needed to carry out its work. The SWP is 100% financed by working people.

Join in! Help get the fund on schedule now so we can go over the top of our goal of $140,000 on time. Contact the SWP branch nearest you.